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Afghanistan girls' schools - Achieving results in a difficult environment (Английский)

This Results Profile talks about Afghanistan’s girls’ schools and their achievement in a difficult environment. Under Taliban rule (1996-2001), the country was plagued by continuing conflict, and international isolation. The education system was virtually dismantled. Girls were officially excluded from the system. Boys in school were taught a curriculum limited to religious content. After the fall of Taliban in 2001, more and more Afghan families...


  • 2010/02/25

  • Краткие сведения

  • 94928

  • 1

  • 1

  • Афганистан,

  • Южная Азия,

  • 2015/10/12

  • Disclosed

  • Afghanistan girls' schools - Achieving results in a difficult environment

  • emergency education rehabilitation and development

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