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Lao PDR - Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project : Environmental and Social Management Plan - Attachments for Component One Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management in Muang Xay, Oudomxay ODX Province (Английский)

The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL) to provide hydro-meteorological services and disaster response. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: as part of the C-ESMP, it is expected that several site-specific measures to mitigate potential risk due to excavation, diking...


  • 2022/03/24

  • Оценка состояния окружающей среды

  • SFG7310

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  • Лаос (Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика),

  • Восточная Азия и страны Тихоокеанского региона,

  • 2022/05/31

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  • Lao PDR - Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project : Environmental and Social Management Plan - Attachments for Component One Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management in Muang Xay, Oudomxay ODX Province

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