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Diversification Paths : What can Mongolia Learn from the Export Trends of Other Resource Dependent Countries? (Английский)

Mongolia has benefited from its mineral wealth, but diversification is now a major priority. But to what extent is diversification possible, and what will it look like? This paper adopts the growth identification and facilitation framework methodology to examine the extent to which other resource-rich countries at a higher level of development than Mongolia have diversified the products and services they export. The literature on diversification underscores...


  • 2024/05/31

  • Рабочие документы (нумерованная серия)

  • 192087

  • 1

  • Монголия,

  • Восточная Азия и страны Тихоокеанского региона,

  • 2024/06/28

  • Disclosed

  • Diversification Paths : What can Mongolia Learn from the Export Trends of Other Resource Dependent Countries?

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