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India - Making Public Transport and Urban Spaces Safer and Inclusive for Women : Policy Brief - Based on the Toolkit for Enabling Gender Responsive Urban Mobility and Public Spaces (Английский)

Cities are engines of growth, job-creation, and innovation. As workers and firms interact closely, cities generate increases in labor productivity through agglomeration economies. Globally, lack of consideration for diverse population needs in urban planning and design has constrained women’s access to socio-economic opportunities. Women are under-represented in urban planning and design institutions, often excluded from decision-making, and often...


  • 2022/10/26

  • Краткие сведения

  • 177244

  • 1

  • Индия,

  • Южная Азия,

  • 2022/10/27

  • Disclosed

  • India - Making Public Transport and Urban Spaces Safer and Inclusive for Women : Policy Brief - Based on the Toolkit for Enabling Gender Responsive Urban Mobility and Public Spaces

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