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Sharing Lessons Learned from Brazil's Social Protection Response to COVID-19 : Auxílio Emergencial Digital Accounts and Innovations in Payment Systems (Английский)

Auxílio Emergencial (AE) was conceived to be a temporary program, with an expected duration of only three months. However, the benefit was reissued in 3 versions (each with its legal diploma) which share the same operational structure, although they maintain significant differences in their rules and procedures. With each new stage, the program became less generous in terms of the size of coverage and the amount of benefit offered.


  • 2022/02/11

  • Краткие сведения

  • 168723

  • 1

  • Бразилия,

  • Латинская Америка и страны Карибского бассейна,

  • 2022/02/16

  • Disclosed

  • Sharing Lessons Learned from Brazil's Social Protection Response to COVID-19 : Auxílio Emergencial Digital Accounts and Innovations in Payment Systems

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