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Brazil - Municipal APL : Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project (Английский)

Ratings for the Municipal Horizontal Adaptive Program Loan (APL) : Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project for Brazil were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) was modest. Some lessons learned included: there is a limit to the scope and effectiveness of multisector interventions. Project readiness is critical for faster and smooth implementation...


  • 2022/11/14

  • Отчет о завершении и результатах проекта

  • ICR5926

  • 1

  • Бразилия,

  • Латинская Америка и страны Карибского бассейна,

  • 2022/12/15

  • Disclosed

  • Brazil - Municipal APL : Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project

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