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România - Programul de Dezvoltare Urbană București : Componenta 5 - Livrabilul 18 : Îmbunătățirea Sustenabilității Financiare (Румынский)

This report explores the organizational structure of the city’s real estate and local economic development (LED) functions, highlights examples of good practices of high-performing global cities’ organization of their real estate and LED-related functions, and suggests options for BCH to consider to improve efficiency and outcomes of these functions. Without a proactive approach to managing its real estate portfolio or a streamlined organization of...


  • 2022/05/31

  • Доклад/ отчет

  • 173810

  • 1

  • Румыния,

  • Европа и Центральная Азия,

  • 2022/07/08

  • Disclosed

  • România - Programul de Dezvoltare Urbană București : Componenta 5 - Livrabilul 18 : Îmbunătățirea Sustenabilității Financiare

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