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Pakistan - Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Rehabilitation of Akram Wah Canal - Executive Summary (Урду)

The objective of the Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project for Pakistan is to increase agricultural productivity and improve water resources management throughout Sindh province through a series of projects. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: the cleared vegetation and trees will be removed from the construction sites and handed over to the owners, and unclaimed trees will be disposed of at the designated disposal...


  • 2022/11/07

  • Оценка состояния окружающей среды

  • SFG7242

  • 1

  • Пакистан,

  • Южная Азия,

  • 2022/11/07

  • Disclosed

  • Pakistan - Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation Project : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Rehabilitation of Akram Wah Canal - Executive Summary

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