India - SOUTH ASIA- P170873- Second Dam
Rehabilitation and Improvement Project - Additional
Financing (DRIP-2 AF) - Procurement Plan
IN-Second Dam Rehabilitation And Improvement
Project - Additional -- P170873
Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Preparedness,Disaster Risk Reduction,Mitigation,Job Creation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Disease Control,Finance for Development,Finance,Private Sector Development,Pandemic Response,Water Resource Management,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Jobs,Adaptation,Disaster Risk Finance,Flood and Drought Risk Management,Water Institutions, Policies and Reform
Public Administration - Water, Sanitation
and Waste Management,Other Water Supply, Sanitation and Waste Management
TF0B2167-Dam Risk Assessment,TF0B3071-India Dam Risk Assessment and
Benchmarking Dam Safety,TF0B3452-India-Brazil Partnership on
Water Resources Management,TF0B5270-Supporting Tools for Improving
the Safety and Resilience of Dams and Do,TF0B5655-Development of framework for
safety related risk assessment of large d-,TF0C3362-India: Dam Safety and Water
Resources Management,TF0C3640-Integrated Reservoir Management
and Dam Risk Assessment Tools for Mains
Water South Asia Region (SSAW1)
Water South Asia Region (SSAW1)
Investment Project Financing
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