Bhutan - SOUTH ASIA- P155513- Food Security
and Agriculture Productivity Project - Procurement Plan
BT-Food Security And Agriculture
Productivity Project -- P155513
Global value chains,Human Development and Gender,Food Security,Nutrition,Rural Development,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Enterprise Development,Private Sector Development,Rural Infrastructure and service delivery,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Nutrition and Food Security,Rural Markets
Health-HG,Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing
& Forestry,Зерновые культуры,Ирригация и дренажные системы,Agricultural Extension, Research, and Other
Support Activities,Agricultural markets, commercialization and agri-business
TF0A0197-Bhutan - Food Security and
Agriculture Productivity Project,TF0A3584-Bhutan Food Security and
Agriculture Project TA,TF0A3887-Capacity development and
communication for improved nutrition outcomes,TF0A4224-Bhutan Food Security and
Agriculture Productivity Project,TF0B6044-Bhutan- AF Food Security and
Agriculture Productivity Project,TF0B7331-Bhutan FSAPP Impact Evaluation,TF0C1900-Repurposing Agricultural
Policies and Support Programs in Bhutan
Agriculture and Food PG SAR1 (SSAA1)
Agriculture and Food PG SAR1 (SSAA1)
Investment Project Financing
Recipient Executed Activities
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