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Jordan - Modernizing Education, Skills, and Administrative Reforms (MASAR) Operation (Английский)

The development objective of the Modernizing Education, Skills, and Administrative Reforms (MASAR) Operation for Jordan is to improve access to foundational learning and to labor market-relevant technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and enhance the efficiency of the education sector management. To address challenges in the education system, the economic modernization vision (EMV) includes a transformative and ambitious plan for the...

Document also available in : Арабский


  • 2024/06/05

  • Акт экспертизы проекта

  • PADHP00065

  • 1

  • Иордания,

  • Ближний Восток и Северная Африка,

  • 2024/07/01

  • Disclosed

  • 2024/06/27

  • Jordan - Modernizing Education, Skills, and Administrative Reforms (MASAR) Operation

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