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Maldives Financial Sector Assesment Program - Technical Note : Access to Finance for MSMEs (Английский)

Access to credit by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) remains challenging inMaldives. Data on access to finance for MSMEs is missing and the Maldives Monetary Authority(MMA) does not collect disaggregated information on this segment. Only a small number of MSMEs receive funding from commercial banks, non-bank credit institutions, and through targeted government programs. Currently, only four banks provide finance to MSMEs, with micro enterprises...


  • 2024/03/31

  • Программа оценки финансового сектора

  • 190960

  • 1

  • Мальдивские Острова,

  • Южная Азия,

  • 2024/06/06

  • Disclosed

  • Maldives Financial Sector Assesment Program - Technical Note : Access to Finance for MSMEs

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