Économie circulaire en Afrique de
l’Ouest:Réaliser le potentiel des plastiques - Circularite Résumé (Французский)
This study aims to help decision-makers
better understand the economics of marine plastic-waste
generation and its cleanup, with a focus on West African
coastal countries
Économie circulaire en Afrique de
l’Ouest:Réaliser le potentiel des plastiques - Circularite Résumé
3A-West Africa Coastal Areas High-Level
Platform -- P166218
Disaster Risk Management,Disaster Risk Reduction,Environment and Natural Resource Management,Finance for Development,Finance,Coastal Zone Management,Climate change,Urban and Rural Development,Adaptation,Disaster Risk Finance,Renewable Natural Resources Asset Management,Flood and Drought Risk Management
Other Public Administration
TF0A7644-WACA Platform: Design, Launch,
Instruments, and Operation,TF0A8505-Programmatic Support to the
West Africa Coastal Areas (WACA) Program,TF0A9264-WACA scale-up: Building Climate
Resilience of Coastal Areas in West Afr,TF0B0134-WAVES, Economics and WACA,TF0B0578-QII - Call for Innovation to
Engineering Solutions for Sediment Managem,TF0B1181-2.1.-AFR-WACA Pollution Management,TF0B1480-WACA Local Action and Citizen Engagement,TF0B2507-4.2.-AFR-Mangroves as a
Protection from Coastal Flooding in Selected We,TF0B2512-WACA Program Management,TF0B2546-3.1.-AFR-WACA Sustainable Ports Partnership,TF0B2561-2.1.-AFR-WACA Sustainable Ports Partnership,TF0B2599-WACA: Ghana Multi-Sector
Investment Plan,TF0B2600-WACA : Financing Instruments
For Coastal Resilience,TF0B2601-WACA: Knowledge and Scientific
Expertise for Coastal Resilience,TF0B2718-4.2.-AFR-WACA Sustainable Ports Partnership,TF0B5079-WACA: Multi-Sector Investment
Planning for Coastal Resilience in Nigeri,TF0B9309-4.2.-MNA-AFR-Blue Economy Initiative,TF0B9753-4.2.- West Africa with in-depth
country-pilot activities designed to fo,TF0C1259-CREST - Cross-Regional :
Options for private sector solutions for costa,TF0C1260-Cross-Regional : Options for
private sector solutions for costal infras
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