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Western and Central Africa - First Phase of Solar Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Project (Английский)

Ratings of First Phase of Solar Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Project for Western and Central Africa were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some of the lessons learned include: When the project team adopts simplicity in the project design and implementation readiness, project objectives become plausibly achievable by the project closure; When TA activities...


  • 2025/02/27

  • Отчет о завершении и результатах проекта

  • ICR00293

  • 1

  • Центральная Африка, Western Africa,

  • Western and Central Africa,

  • 2025/03/03

  • Disclosed

  • Western and Central Africa - First Phase of Solar Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Project

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