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ما الذي يخبئه المستقبل بين طياته : نموذج جديد لتخزين المياه - عرض عام لواضعي السياسات (Arabic)

Storing water is a critical part of water security, and the societal response to hydrological variability. Water storage increases the amount of water available for human, environmental, and economic use, reduces the impact of floods, and provides a variety of ancillary services such as hydropower and navigation by regulating water flows. Today, the societies, economies, and the environment depend on a web of natural and built water storage. However...
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Official version of document (may contain signatures, etc)


Burke,Eileen Rose; Tront,Jacqueline Marie; Lyon,Kimberly Nicole; Rex,William; Castera Errea,Melissa Ivy; Varughese,Mili Chachyamma; Newton,Joshua Taylor; Becker,Ayelen Nadia; Vale,Allison Louise.

ما الذي يخبئه المستقبل بين طياته : نموذج جديد لتخزين المياه - عرض عام لواضعي السياسات (Arabic). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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